söndag, januari 14, 2007

Luthers nödutväg

Elaka tungor gör gällande att Luther kom fram till formeln "rättfärdiggörelse genom tron allena", därför att han hade så svårt att själv bete sig enligt de kristna dygderna. Hans enorma aptit på vin, mat och kvinnor är omvittnad! Förvisso var den gode doktorn i teologi en obotfärdig frossare och rumlare av stora mått.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Luther verkar ha varit (om du ursäktar uttrycket) en riktig skitstövel!

Dels har vi "Om judarna och deras lögner"...

"Det första rådet är, att man tänder eld på deras synagogor och skolor och det som inte kan förbrännas, grävs ned och överhöljs med jord, så att ingen människa i all framtid upptäcker vare sig en sten eller några rester."

...han hat mot bönderna...

“If Luther and other reformers had promted their new versions of Christianity in the name of love, toleration, and respect, then I might accept the heroic version of history as progress inspired by rare individuals of broader vision. But Luther could be just as dogmatic, just as unforgiving, and just as bloodthirsty as his opponents - and when his folks took the reins of power, the old tactics of banning, book burning, and doctrinal murder continued. For example, Luther had originally held little animus toward Jews, for he hoped that his reforms, by eliminating papal abuses, might lead to their conversion. But when his hopes withered, Luther turned on his vitriol and, in a 1543 pamphlet titled “On the Jews and Their Lies”, recommended either forced deportation to Palestine, or the burning of all synagogues and Jewish books (including the Bible), and the restriction of Jews to agrarian pursuits. In his most horrific reommendation (and on the eve of supposed personal happiness in his marriage to Katherine von Bora), Luther advocated the wholesale slaughter of German peasants, whose rebellion had recently been so brutally suppressed. Luther had his reasons and frustrations, to be sure. He had never supported uprising against secular authority, altough some of the more moderate peasant groups had used his teachings as justifications. Moreover, the militant faction of peasants had been led by his bitter theological enemy, Thomas Müntzer. Political conservatives like Luther always take a dim view (if only to save their own skins) of insurrections by large and poorly disciplined groups of disenfranchised people, but Luther’s recommendations for virtual genocide, as presented in his tract of 1525 “Against the Murderous and Thieving Hordes of Peasants”, makes my skin crawl, especially as a recommendation (however secular) from a supposed man of God: “If the peasant is in open rebellion, then he is outside the law of God (…) Rebellion brings with it a land full of murders and bloodshed, makes widows and orphans, and turns everything upside down like a great disaster. Therefore, let everyone who can, smite, slay, and stab, secretly or openly, remembering that nothing can be more poisonous, hurtful, or devilish than a rebel. It is just as when one must kill a mad dog; if you dont strike him, he will strike you, and the whole land with you.” The victorius nobility followed Luther’s recommendations, and estimates of the death toll (mostly inflicted upon rebels who had already surrendered and therefore posed no immediate threat) range to 100,000 people." (S. J. Gould, Leonardo's Mountain of Clams and the Diet of Worms: Essays on Natural History, Vintage (1999))

...förakt mot vetenskapen...

"Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) insåg att Bibelns obestridliga sanning; Gud har placerat oss i mitten av världen och på det största föremålet, inte stämde överens med de faktiska observationerna som gick att göra . För att inte reta upp katolska kyrkan väntade han med publiceringen av sitt monumentala verk, “De revolutionibus orbium coelestium”, tills han låg till sängs, förlamad efter ett slaganfall. Han fick en förhandskopia av boken i sin hand den 24 maj 1543. Han dog senare samma dag. Många religiösa ledare och teologer reagerade negativt på boken bl.a. den tyska teologen Philipp Melankton (1497-1560) (försökte förhindra att verket publicerades), den protestantiska reformatorn Jean Calvin (1509-64) (framhöll att det stod i Bibeln att jorden inte kunde rubbas ur sitt läge) och Martin Luther (1483-1546) (fördömde Copernicus och skrev: “Den dåren kommer att vända upp och ned på hela astronomin”)." (D. E. Brody & A. R. Brody, Upptäckterna som förändrade världen och människorna bakom dem, Wahlström & Widstrand (2000))

...samt min favorit...

"What harm would it do, if a man told a good strong lie for the sake of the good and for the Christian church […] a lie out of necessity, a useful lie, a helpful lie, such lies would not be against God, he would accept them." (http://life.bio.sunysb.edu/%7Emassimo/rationallyspeaking/files/RS-column.pdf)